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Razširi pogled Preglej temo: Cepiči

Napisal/-a Mr.dBoo » Po Mar 02, 2015 5:57 pm

Cepiči iz velike Britanije. Na zalogi imajo jablane, hruške, marelice, naši.

Cepič je 2,5 funta oziroma 3 funte za rdečemesnate jablane.

Old green cage
Worcester Dipper
Count Althann's gage
Majories Seedling
Yellow Egg
Purple Pershore
Worcester Drooper
Gage ClaudeReine
Belle de lovain
Blaisdon red



Redlove era
Ticklet Pink
Motts pink
Red Devil
Harry Baker
Scarlet surprise
Barnick orange
Sleeping beauty
Barron ward
School master
Ingalls pippin
Red ingalls
Dr clifford

Hawkridge - is a very popular apple in East Sussex especially around Hailsham, Heathfield and those parts where it is met with in almost every orchard and garden” (Hogg 1 851).
First and Last- The shape of the apple is rectangular to conic with slight ribbing with a Lemon yellow skin, flushed red and streaked and blotched darker red with some russet. The flesh is a crisp, fine, greenish white with a slightly Sweet flavour It can be picked mid October and stored until April. At West Dean Gardens it is said to store for two years
Merlin- Very Rare from Cornwall
Bardsey - Very Hardy apple he old mother tree on the island grows in a slight recess on the side of the house. Salt-laden gales have "pruned" the tree so that it lies flat against the wall of this recess. Shoots that try to grow outwards from this recess are eventually killed by salt burn. The tree has grown up and over onto the roof where it has also been "pruned" flat by the wind. The Back of the Bardsey Tree The tree is located in the middle of the recess, indicating it was presumably planted there. The tree's age is unknown. Ernest (now in his 70s) the last person to be born on the island says the tree "has always been there". The house was built by Lord Newborough in the 1870s. As yet I have no knowledge as to the tree's origin or history

Ameriška jabolka

Shenandoah apple
Golden Russet
Roxbury Russet
Hudson Golden Gem
Hardy Cumberland
Black Arkansas = Black apple with Cult Following
Red macintosh
Red Horse
Slemps Winesap
Starks Earliblaze
Blue pearmain
Starks spur Red delicious
Ginger Gold
Michaelmas Red
Scarlet Surprise
Frost Bite
Eva delight
Red Melba

Alfriston -A large traditional English cooking apple
Allen's Everlasting - Keeps till April in the Shed
American Mother - Sweet Attractive apple
Ard Cairn Russet- Cork, Ireland c. 1890 Nursery Award of Merit from RHS in 1910. 'A small round apple dessert
Arthur Turner- Arthur Turner' is a flavoursome cooking apple with large, golden exhibition fruit. Good, regular crops; t with some resistance to scab.
Ashmead's Kernal- very old apple variety, with a drab appearance which belies a unique peardrop flavour. Ashmead's Kernel wins many blind Taste test
aker's Delicious- n old and justifyingly famous South Wales apple Rich, juicy, lots of sugar, acidity and quite strong aromatic flavour, with a deep cream coloured flesh. Number 3 best seller
Beauty of Bath - is a dessert apple cultivar.Ripe late july It was propagated in 1864 by George Cooling and awarded an RHS First class Certificate in 1887
Belle de Boskoop- A popular old dual-purpose apple from the Netherlands good storer
Blenheim Orange- is both a culinary and dessert cultivar in pollination group 3 and a triploid. This very vigorous tree is suitable for northerly, colder, higher climates
Blue Pearmain - Striking Dark blue American apple , takes some beating
Bountiful Raised in 1964 at East Malling Research Station in Kent. The first new cooking apple for decades. A good choice for people who want large fruit
Braddick Nonpareil - TOP TEN FOR TASTE
Bramley's Seedling
Cellini- An unusual Victorian variety, primarily a culinary apple but can be eaten fresh. One of the best examples of the aniseed component of apple
Charles Ross- Victorian apple resulting from a cross between Cox's Orange Pippin and Peasgood ... White-fleshed, juicy
Chiver's Delight- is an qualrty Cox-style apple from Cambridgeshire. Crisp and sweet.
Christmas Pearmain - Nice apple flavour, sweet but with refreshing sharpness, firm rather than crunchy. KEEPS TILL XMAS
Cissy- CISSY'S APPLE. Now also known as Monmouthshire Beauty it was previously called "Tampling" after a Mr. Tampling, its original grower, or "Cissy", his sister
Cockle Pippin - Popular good all round apple
Cornish Aromatic- Old-fashioned variety from Cornwall, some pineapple flavours, very enjoyable
Cornish Pine - Found in a cottage garden near Truro in Cornwall about 1800 and shown to the RHS in London in 1813 by Sir Christopher Hawkins and awarded a Silver Medal
Court Pendu Plat- is one of the oldest known apples, dating back to the 1600s and possibly earlier. Inspite of this it is a modern-looking apple first rate
Cox's Orange Pippin- NUMBER 1 DESSERT
Cox's Pomona- . This hardy mid-season, ... Crisp and sharp when eaten, it is prized as a baked apple for its size and sweetness when cooked
Darcy Spice- An old apple variety from the county of Essex in south-east England with several unusual characteristics, and notable for its spice-like flavour.
Devonshire Quarrenden- is a historically important English summer apple
Duke of Devonshire
Ellison's Orange- is a well respected Cox-style apple which can achieve very good flavour Ainiseed Flavour
Eve's Delight- World Record holder for size
Evening Gold- Mid-winter variety. Believed locally to be an island apple. Keeps well into February. Apple is like the setting sun - golden with bright orange flush
Gascoygne's Scarlet- Raised by Mr Gascoyne at Bapchild Court, Sittingbourne, Kent, this large, mid-season dessert apple was also used for cooking
Gladstone- is a very early-season English summer apple. The flesh is delicate, sweet, and notably juicy. The flavour is best described as A1
Golden Noble- A sweet-flavoured cooking apple
Golden Spire- is cooking apple, noted for its tangy sharp fruity flavour, which is apparent both in cooking and in its juice
Grenadier- early-season English cooking apple, this is the one - good flavour for all sorts of culinary uses, very easy to grow, and crops well
Ingrid Marie- is a traditional apple. It was cultivated by accident around 1910 on the premises of a school in Høed on the island of Funen in Denmark Cox Style
Isaac Newton- Plant a direct descendant of one of the most historically important trees in Britain, a celebrated national treasure for over 300 years
Isle of Wight Russet
James Grieve- Alan Titmarches NO1 Dual purpose Regualer crop best juice
Joeby Crab
King's Acre Pippin- good late-season English dessert apple, with a strong flavour. Keeps well
Lady Henniker- won the RHS Certificate of Merit for the Great apple
Laxton's Epicure
Laxton's Fortune- Favourite early apple great flavour
Laxton's Superb- Good Cox like apple with out the problems
Lemon Pippin - is a unique and ancient English apple variety. The shape, colour, and even the flavour are remarkably lemon-lik
Lord Derby- is a high-quality mid/late-season traditional English cooking apple, cooks to a chunky puree
Lord Hindlip
Lord Lambourne- Popular garden variety, many uses, good balance of sweet and sharp
Merton Russett
Newton Pippin- First Rate American apple High Class
Newton Wonder- is a high quality late-season English cooking apple from the Victoria era, producing large handsome apples. It inherits its excellent tangy flavour ...
Nutmeg Pippin- Very Rare
Peasgood Nonsuch- is a highly-regarded old-fashioned English cooking apple
Rheinette Rouge Etoile- Originated in Belgium or the Netherlands. First described in 1830. Widely grown in Europe i.e
Rosemary Russet - Victorian pomologist Robert Hogg calls it "A most delicious and valuable dessert
Saint Cecilia- This juicy apple was a popular variety and has an intense aromatic flavour. The flavour is said to be at its most exquisite on St Cecilia's Day (Nov 22nd
Sam's Crab - Good alround Apple
St Edmund's Russet- good early russet
Star of Devon- Pretty red apple. Refreshingly crisp and sweet, with white flesh. Small and good for children.
Summer Golden Pippin- is one of the oldest English apples available, known to exist in the ... A very old English summer apple, with a vinous strawberry flavour
Sunset- Best for gardens and begginners
Tewkesbury Baron-Rare
Tillington Court-Rare
Tom Putt- The only genuine Cider/dessert/cooker
Tydeman's Early Worcester - Super sweet great apple
Tydeman's Late Orange Great apple stores till April
Warner's King- is a culinary cultivar in pollination group 2 and a triploid. A vigorous tree that produces heavy, regular crops of fruit that can be very large
Welsh Russet - Rare dessert
Winter Greening-An old and valuable apple, assumed of Oxfordshire origin, but once widely grown
Worcester Pearmain popular early dessert apple
Norfolk Royal - Best Seller
Golden Russet New York
Granny Smith
Golden Del
Pitmaston Pineapple
katy -Katy is the perfect eating apple for children. It was introduced from Sweden in 1947 where it is known as Katya
Red Falstaff
Pinova- Dessert apple 'Pinova' boasts a lovely flavour which is not surprising when it has both Golden Delicious and Cox in its parentage. The delicious, smooth skinned Good cropper cant do wrong
Resi- A variety bred for disease resistance - hence name REsi. Medium sized flat round smooth apples that crop prolifically Nice Apple
Rajka - Rajka' is a modern variety from the Czech Republic that produces reliable and heavy crops of handsome red apples. The fruits are crisp and aromatic, Strawberry FLAVOUR
Tentation-. A cross between Golden Delicious and Grifer; Distinctive golden yellow colour, often showing a fine pink blush; Delicate, very firm flesh, crisp and Tasty
Cybelle- An excellent new variety from France - sweet, crisp, juicy - one of the best mid-season varieties
Goldrush- A modern disease-resistant apple variety related to Golden Delicious, with crisp hard flesh and a good sugar / acid balance stores 6 month
Crimson Crisp- Small to medium. Very bright mid-range red over yellow. Extremely crisp. Very good, rich flavor. Sweet/sharp flavor, spicy
Limelight- is an attractive green mid-season dessert apple glows in the dark
Greensleves - Never fails
SMOOTHY- Golden del like apple
Princesse - A russett variety with large show quality fruits, lovely rounded pale golden brown fruits. Rich, distinctive, nutty flavour and a very reliable, heavy cropper A valued new addition to the range of russet apples. Recommended. For picking and eating late September to late November
Saturn- Saturn is a great new English apple, developed by the famous East Malling Research Station and released 1997. It has all the best qualities of a modern apple
Jonogold- is a high quality American apple, with a good balanced sweet/sharp flavour
Idared is a popular late-season apple variety, notable for its excellent keeping qualities
GALA GALAXY- One of the most widely-grown apple varieties, with a sweet pleasant flavour, and good keeping Better colour than gala
GALA MONDIAL- One of the most widely-grown apple varieties, with a sweet pleasant flavour, and good keeping Better colour than gala
Frost Bite- is an unique novelty apple for a special niche. It is extremely cold hardy many say like CHILLED SUGARCANE
Topaz- A disease resistant variety from Czech Republic
Gavin - Early attempt to breed a scab-resistant dessert apple, surprisingly good eater
Red Prince- A deep red sweet apple. Unusually for a modern commercial apple Red found as a seedling
Winter Gem- My Favourite Apple
Jumbo- Dessert Apple - Jumbo is a new variety a cross between Charles Ross and Jonathan. It has very large fruit that are flushed and striped red on pale
Cobra- Best cross of the best two apples CO=COX BRA=BRAMLEY
Park Farm Pipin- Early new appel
Florina- From a grower's point of view, Florina is nice because the tree is vigorous and productive and it's resistant to the nasty diseases
Junami- Great apple
Sweet16- The Sweet Sixteen Apple is one of the best for fresh off the tree eating Sweet Sixteen is super sweet with a richly complex flavor similar to vanilla with just a hint
Rubunette Rosso- Considered by many to be the best-tasting apple ever, Rubinette has a perfect sweet / sharp flavour
Rubunette - Duller version of the above
Royal Gala- Best GALA sport
Herefordshire Russet- is a modern russet apple variety, with an excellent strong Cox-like flavour
Golden delicious- Say no more
Liberty- Most disease resistant Apple know
Freedom- Good multi-use apple. Medium to large red fruit on almost invisible yellow skin. Crisp, juicy, sweet, good-tasting flesh. Subacid, sprightly flavor. Name means Freedom from Scab
Honeycruch- My second favourite apple
Rubinola- mid-season disease-resistant variety from the Czech Republic, with a very good flavor.
Delbard Jubeliee- Chosen among the crossing of 1200 varieties of apples that he has undertaken;
Delbard Dive - A very good early/mid-season apple from France
Fuji- are one of the sweetest apple varieties available. Named after Mount Fuji in Japan, Fuji apples are actually a cross between two American varieties
Braeburn - was the first of the new wave of bi-colored supermarket apple varieties, and re-established the importance of flavor in commercial
Meridian - is a little known modern English apple, heavy crops, easy to grow, and excellent flavour
Empire - One of the best McIntosh-style apples, with a good sweet vinous flavor, and easy to grow.
Festival- Sister to estival but better in my opinion
Fiesta- of the best Cox-style apples, and much easier to grow keeps till march
Red Pippin
Elstar- One of the best Golden Delicious offspring, the sweet/sharp flavor is more reminscent of Cox's Orange Pippin
Fuji Red- Red Version
Jester- An attractive unpretentious apple, crisp and refreshing, nice flavour
Sweet Society - is an apple tree with pale-pink flowers in spring, followed by flavourful, sweet, red fruit
Kent- Raised by H M Tydeman at East Malling research Station in Kent in 1949 from Cox’s Orange Pippin x Jonathan. Named in 1974[/u]


Emile d'Heyst Pear
Le Lectier Pear
Marie-Louise d'Uccle
Fondante du Comice
Fondante du Cousine
Beurre Rance
Comte de Lamy
Marguerite de Marillat Pear
Comte de Lamy
Pitmaston duchess
Beurre Mortillet
Fertility Improved
Hessle Pear
Glou morceau
Louise Bonne of Jersey
Triomphe de Vienne
Beurre Diel Pear
Congress des souvenier
Winter Neliis


Napisal/-a crtj-admin » Če Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am

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