I am so happy to report that interest in this project has soared: seeds are being sent to Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, Thailand, Israel, Morocco, India, Japan, Austria, Germany, France, Russia, Bulgaria, Finland, Sweden, Spain, Slovenia, Bosnia, Denmark, Portugal, Greece, Croatia, Latvia, France, and the United States: in total, 28 nations on 5 continents... and counting.
There are 1500+ participants, and I expect to be at around 1600 before sign-up closes tomorrow.
This unexpected popularity is a blessing and a curse: when I sent out the first round of seeds, there were only 10 people I needed to pay postage for. This time, there are around 200. I cannot pay this out-of-pocket.
If every participant donates around $2.50, I can organise and cover postage for everyone. So far, donations have amounted to $30. I have started a gofundme to cover these costs: I won't submit the seed request until I am sure I can pay for everyone to receive their seeds.
You can also send money via paypal to biodiverseed@gmail.com. We are well on the way, I don't think it will be a problem to get the request in by the end of the week. Thank you to those of you who have donated already!
The sooner this project is fully funded, the sooner I can submit the seed request!
V2 dneh se je zbralo denarja ki pokrije več kot polovico pošiljk. Jaz sem jim doniral denar, sem pa še posebej gospe Lynsey omenil med pogovorom da če ne bo šlo skozi kakor drugače ji pokrijem poštnino za vse udeležence iz Slovenije.
Ne samo s koreninami - tudi živi na Danskem - naslov, ki mi ga je poslala, je danski. Kar me je malo zmedlo - semena prihajajo pa iz USA ??? Bo treba bolj pogledati spletno stran ....
Ja prihaja iz Danske ampak poročena čez lužo, mislim da v Kanado, študentka antropologije v Ameriki. Semena daruje ena od ameriških univerz, drugače pa gre za projekt mednarodne menjave semen, ne samo asimin tudi veliko drugega.
Tudi jaz sem "šolde" nakazal, sem pa dobil še zaprosilo za prevzem in razpošiljanje.... A bi morda za tole odprli svojo temo da ne smetimo?_________________Več jih posadiš, več jih ostane za tabo....