Sorte paradižnika: navodila, debata, predlogi
- Prispevkov: 465
- Pridružen: Če Nov 29, 2018 1:00 am
Prosim za malo pomoči pri določanju sort; spravljam seme za Gartlc škatlo. Črni paradižnik je moj, Black Cherry. Oranžni je zrasel pri svakinji. Manjši grmiček , nabito poln paradižnikov oranžno rdeče barve v velikosti češnje, kot bi otresel hruško. Domnevam, da je Gartenperle? Rumeni je od sosede in sem 96%, da je Sungold. To je pa večji grm, ne tako zelo poln in paradižnik ima zelo poseben okus. Kljub temu, da gre za hibrid, bom spravila seme in ga označila.
- Plamenka
- Prispevkov: 9664
- Pridružen: Pe Maj 31, 2013 2:00 am
- Kraj: Ljubljana
- Prispevkov: 2358
- Pridružen: To Maj 13, 2014 2:00 am
- Kraj: Radegunda, Golte
- Prispevkov: 2358
- Pridružen: To Maj 13, 2014 2:00 am
- Kraj: Radegunda, Golte
Tudi moje gartenperle so letos zelo različne - ko je bil mraz, so bile manjše, zdaj so pa spet normalne
. Zato sem napisala v povprečju
._________________Ne nehamo se igrati, ker se postaramo, ampak se postaramo, ker se nehamo igrati. (Benjamin Franklin)
Ne nehamo se igrati, ker se postaramo, ampak se postaramo, ker se nehamo igrati. (Benjamin Franklin)
- Prispevkov: 2066
- Pridružen: Če Jun 06, 2013 2:00 am
F1 je hibrid ali kontrolirano križanje sort. Semena so seveda čisto vredu, le ni nujno, da bodo plodovi enaki staršem.
Glej debato na starem forumu: http://rastline.mojforum.si/rastline-post-33034.html&highlight=kri%9Eanje#33034
Vedno je zanimivo prebrati razlago na primerih. Precej nazorno kaj se dogaja ob nadzorovanem križanju: http://kdcomm.net/~tomato/gene/genes.html
Glej debato na starem forumu: http://rastline.mojforum.si/rastline-post-33034.html&highlight=kri%9Eanje#33034
Vedno je zanimivo prebrati razlago na primerih. Precej nazorno kaj se dogaja ob nadzorovanem križanju: http://kdcomm.net/~tomato/gene/genes.html
- Prispevkov: 2066
- Pridružen: Če Jun 06, 2013 2:00 am
V spletnem "mesečniku" Tomato Dirt sem zasledil seznam najbolj sladkih češnjevcev - članek: http://www.tomatodirt.com/sweetest-cherry-tomatoes.html
13 of the sweetest cherry tomatoes to grow in your garden:
Brix rating: 9.5
A cross between a cherry and grape tomato
Resistance: leaf mold, fusarium wilt, and tobacco mosaic virus
Candyland Red Cherry Tomato
Brix rating: 12
Currant tomato; 2016 All-America Selections winner
Resistance: heat, humidity, and pest resistant
Fantastico Tomato
Brix rating: 12
Bright red grape tomatoes; 2014 AAS Winner
Resistance: cracks, late blight
Brix rating: 8.8
Resistance: fusarium wilt 1 & 2, leaf mold, tobacco mosaic virus, and nematodes
Brix rating: 9.5
Mini-plum tomato
Resistance: fusarium wilt, cracking
Golden Sweet Tomato
Brix rating: 9.3
Small, orange-yellow fruits
Resistance: cracking, fusarium wilt 1, a leaf mold
Matt’s Wild Cherry Tomato
Brix rating: 11.5
Currant- sized fruit
Resistance: mild resistance to early blight, late blight
Sakura Tomato
Brix rating: 8.8
Medium red, early, and a prolific producer
Resistance: high resistance to fusarium wilt 1 & 2, leaf mold, tomato mosaic virus; intermediate resistance to nematodes.
Sun Sugar
Brix rating: 10
Golden orange cherry tomatoes
Resistance: fusarium wilt and tobacco mosaic virus
Brix rating: 9.5
Pink cherry tomato
Resistance: high resistance to leaf mold, tomato mosaic virus; good resistance to cracking
Brix rating: 9.3
Classic tangy, tangerine-orange cherry tomato
Resistance: high resistance to fusarium wilt and tobacco mosaic virus
Supersweet 100
Brix rating: 6
Classic cherry tomato, easily adaptable, and high-yielding – although one of the least sweet varieties
Resistance: high resistance to fusarium wilt, verticillium wilt
Sweet Aperitif
Brix rating: 12-13
Large currant size
Resistance: cracking
13 of the sweetest cherry tomatoes to grow in your garden:
Brix rating: 9.5
A cross between a cherry and grape tomato
Resistance: leaf mold, fusarium wilt, and tobacco mosaic virus
Candyland Red Cherry Tomato
Brix rating: 12
Currant tomato; 2016 All-America Selections winner
Resistance: heat, humidity, and pest resistant
Fantastico Tomato
Brix rating: 12
Bright red grape tomatoes; 2014 AAS Winner
Resistance: cracks, late blight
Brix rating: 8.8
Resistance: fusarium wilt 1 & 2, leaf mold, tobacco mosaic virus, and nematodes
Brix rating: 9.5
Mini-plum tomato
Resistance: fusarium wilt, cracking
Golden Sweet Tomato
Brix rating: 9.3
Small, orange-yellow fruits
Resistance: cracking, fusarium wilt 1, a leaf mold
Matt’s Wild Cherry Tomato
Brix rating: 11.5
Currant- sized fruit
Resistance: mild resistance to early blight, late blight
Sakura Tomato
Brix rating: 8.8
Medium red, early, and a prolific producer
Resistance: high resistance to fusarium wilt 1 & 2, leaf mold, tomato mosaic virus; intermediate resistance to nematodes.
Sun Sugar
Brix rating: 10
Golden orange cherry tomatoes
Resistance: fusarium wilt and tobacco mosaic virus
Brix rating: 9.5
Pink cherry tomato
Resistance: high resistance to leaf mold, tomato mosaic virus; good resistance to cracking
Brix rating: 9.3
Classic tangy, tangerine-orange cherry tomato
Resistance: high resistance to fusarium wilt and tobacco mosaic virus
Supersweet 100
Brix rating: 6
Classic cherry tomato, easily adaptable, and high-yielding – although one of the least sweet varieties
Resistance: high resistance to fusarium wilt, verticillium wilt
Sweet Aperitif
Brix rating: 12-13
Large currant size
Resistance: cracking